On a Journey
On the fifth Sunday in Lent, known as Passion Sunday, our preacher last Sunday was Mr Robert Williams who was welcomed by our steward Bunty Hodgkins. Bunty read a short passage which told of Pontius Pilate having Jesus whipped before the final stage of his journey to...
Sharing Our Faith Can Help Others
Mothering Sunday in the UK is held on the fourth Sunday in Lent and it enables Christians to honour their Mother Church usually where they were baptised. So it was that last Sunday our steward, Keith Harrison, read a lesson on the fourth Sunday in Lent which told of...
Righteous Anger
The Rev’d Roger Baker led our worship last Sunday morning. He began by taking Penelope of our Junior Church on a journey around the church overcoming obstacles on the way and he spoke about the journey Jesus took on the road to the Cross. “But the journey does not end...