On Sunday morning, 18th February 2024, two of our oldest and longest service members of Ashley Methodist Church, Ron and Cynthia Lucas, were delighted to be present at Kingsdown Methodist Church, Ealing, London, for the Service of Baptism of their great grandchildren, Tobias and Jessie Allman, children of Jack and Sophie Allman, Jack being Ron and Cynthia’s grandson. The service was conducted by the resident minister, the Rev’d Sue Male and included a celebration of Holy Communion. There were four godparents for each child and with friends and supporters the usual congregation was swelled by about thirty.
Ron was honoured to be invited to read a morning’s lesson from the bible and to read a lesson of his own choice. Hence, he chose Mark’s gospel, chapter ten verses 13 – 16, in which Jesus urges his disciples to let the children come to him, saying, “Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such of these”.
In these days it is unusual that four generations are represented at a young children’s baptismal service and Ron was able to refer to this from the lectern and also bring greetings from Ashley Methodist Church, here on the Staffordshire – Shropshire border, to the congregation in Ealing, London. These were well received and warmly reciprocated.