Mar 29, 2023 | Services
Our morning worship last Sunday was led by Mr Mark Savill. It was the fifth Sunday in Lent and also ‘Passion Sunday’. Our steward Sue Fox said some words to recalling that Jesus was whipped on his way to the cross. After his call to worship Mark led us in our opening...
Mar 20, 2023 | Services
Mothering Sunday was celebrated last week at Ashley Methodist Church with a service of worship led by Mr Peter Williams who was welcomed by our steward Keith Harrison. As this is the Season of Lent, Keith laid a bowl and a cloth at the foot of the wooden cross with...
Mar 13, 2023 | Services
Last Sunday was the third Sunday in Lent and we were blessed to have our minister, the Rev’d Mark Lawrence lead our worship. Our steward Rosalind began the service as she placed a crown of thorns and draped a purple cloak around the wooden cross at the front of the...
Mar 5, 2023 | Our News
On the second Sunday in Lent our service was led by Mr Robin Perry and was on the theme ‘The Power of the Cross’. This was a liturgical service consisting of bible readings and hymns.. Robin was welcomed by our steward, Sue Fox, and Neil and Jill Barnett provided our...