The Lord’s My Shepherd

The Lord’s My Shepherd

Mr. Robin Perry led our morning’s worship last Sunday on the theme of ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd”, some much loved words from Psalm 23. Our senior steward Bunty Hodgkins gave Robin a warm welcome. For his call to worship Robin quoted the first verse of the old hymn by...
Trials and Tribulations

Trials and Tribulations

The Rev’s Roger Baker, our former church minister, now in retirement, led our worship on Sunday morning with the theme “Trials and Tribulations”. He was welcomed by Sue Fox, and Neil Barnett played the organ. It was good to have Roger in the pulpit again leading our...
Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday

Our morning’s service on Remembrance Sunday was led by Mr. Peter Williams of Market Drayton, one of our Circuit Local Preachers. Peter was welcomed by Rosalind, as were other visitors in our congregation. In the absence of our two organists, Jonathan Baddeley...
Reflect, Repent, Restore and Rejoice

Reflect, Repent, Restore and Rejoice

Last Sunday morning we celebrated our Church Anniversary remembering and giving thanks for all those who have gone before us for almost 160 years. It was good to have so many visitors and friends with us for the occasion. Keith Harrison welcomed Mr. Paul Savill to...
Trials and Tribulations

Sowing Seeds

On a bright sunny morning we gathered for worship led by Paul Bishop with Neil & Jill Barnett providing music on organ and keyboard. After our opening hymn, All people that on earth do dwell, Paul gave thanks in prayer for all that God provides and asked that our...