Our New Year Resolution

Our New Year Resolution

For our last service in 2023 Ashley joined with Market Drayton Methodist Church. Mark Savill welcomed a lively congregation and our preacher, Rev. Graham Horsley from Oswestry. Katherine Williams and the music group led songs of worship. Graham reminded us that amid...
The First Christmas Story

The First Christmas Story

Our Nativity Service at Ashley Methodist Church is always special, and we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus told so beautifully by the children of our Junior Church. Last Sunday’s service was no exception, and the children enacted the visitation of the...
The Expectancy of Advent

The Expectancy of Advent

It was a joy to have the Rev’d Roger Baker lead our morning’s worship last Sunday, which was the second Sunday in Advent. Roger took as his theme “The Expectancy of Christ’s coming again”. After a warm welcome to Roger, our steward read a prayer for peace and lit the...
Going to Bethlehem – Our Advent Christingle

Going to Bethlehem – Our Advent Christingle

Light shone out from Ashley Methodist Church for our Christingle service on a snowy Advent Sunday morning. The theme was a journey. Rosalind welcomed a church filled with excited children and adults and lit the first candle representing hope through God’s continuing...