Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

It was good to have our own minister lead our worship last Sunday morning. The Rev’d Mark Lawrence was warmly welcomed by Rosalind Chatburn, our duty steward. The theme of the service was “Give us today our Daily Bread” as Jesus said “I am the bread of life” which...
Life is full of challenges

Life is full of challenges

The Rev’d Roger Baker, one of our former ministers, led our worship last Sunday morning. It is always good to have him in our pulpit and he was welcomed by Sue Fox. Rod Smith played the organ. After some words from the Psalmist, as a call to worship, we sang the...
Life is full of challenges

God’s Fearful People

Mr Robert Williams led our worship at Ashley last Sunday morning and he was welcomed by our steward Bunty Hodgkins. Neil and Jill Barnett provided the music on organ and keyboard. Robert invited us to share in some words from Psalm 93 as his call to worship “The Lord...
Father of the Nation

Father of the Nation

Owing to preacher constraints there was no morning’s worship at Ashley last Sunday, so we joined with our friends from Market Drayton Methodist Church where the service was led by the Rev’d Paul Clapham who was welcomed by steward Allie McGoogan. Katharine Williams...
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

Worship Through Music

Our morning’s worship last Sunday was a musical treat for us all. In the absence of our planned preacher who was indisposed, our service was taken by two of our regular worshippers, Mr Jonathan Baddeley and his wife Pamela Baddeley. They were warmly welcomed and...