He is Risen!
Easter Sunday is always one of the most joyful and celebrated days in the Christian calendar, the day when we celebrate the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. We remembered his sacrificial death on the cross on Good Friday with a quiet contemplative ecumenical service at noon in which the story of his betrayal and crucifixion was told in four gospel readings from the New Testament read by Keith and Jill Harrison, Ron Lucas and Margaret Maxwell., with prayers, hymns and Holy Communion led by the Rev’d Graham Horsley.
Our Sunday Service was also led by the Rev’d Graham Hosley. Every one of us placed a daffodil on the empty wooden cross and Keith Harrison, to the acclaim of ‘He is Risen’, recited the lines of ‘The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now” in the words of the hymn writer. Keith welcomed Graham and many other visitors with our regular congregation. We sang the great Charles Wesley hymn “Christ the Lord is risen today; sons of men and angels say: Hallelujah” with great feeling. Following prayers of praise and adoration, Richard Lucas read from John’s gospel, chapter 20 telling the story of Christ’s being raised from the tomb, the disciples being alerted by Mary Magdalene, rushing to see for themselves and then Mary confusing Jesus for the gardener before she realised that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead.
After our prayers for others Graham spoke of the events on that first Easter Day when the resurrected Jesus was revealed to Mary Magdalene in the garden before it was light on the third day after his crucifixion. She had found an empty tomb and in the half-light thought she was speaking with the gardener rather than Jesus himself. Mary was a woman of the night and Graham reminded us that God has a bias to the poor, the outcast and the downtrodden. It is the least respectable who need Jesus and he asked what we would do if Mary Magdalene were to come through the door. Graham recounted various experiences he had had in his ministry of those who were down trodden coming to Jesus and a new way of life. This incident shows us what is possible for a new life in Jesus and Easter is that opportunity for us each to have that new life. We concluded with the sacrament of Holy Communion, after which senior steward Bunty Hodgkins thanked Graham for his service to our church in recent months.
Our service next Sunday, Low Sunday, will be led by Mr Robin Perry and all are welcome. See www.ashleymethodist.co.uk. We do hope our readers had a Happy Easter.