Sue Fox welcomed our preacher, Robin Perry, who opened our worship with words from Revelation 5: “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour, glory and might, for ever and ever.” Richard Lucas read to us from 1 John 4 – God is love. Sue read the well known passage from 1 Corinthians 13 describing the characteristics of love. Our organist was Rod Smith.
Popular songs often speak of love but in the Bible context it is something much deeper. Robin examined ten aspects of love as God sees it, illustrating his thoughts with events from both Testaments of the Bible. Love is unconditional, it protects and disciplines, it is honest, allows mistakes, restores and delights in those loved. It keeps no record of wrongs, casts out fear and is self-sacrificing. Human nature can make love difficult. We need God’s help to practise this kind of love.
In prayer we said sorry for our misdeeds. We prayed for those suffering from conflict and disaster, especially in Ukraine and Africa, and for those in difficulty known to us personally. We ended our service with a great hymn – Love divine, all loves excelling – sung lustily to the tune Blaenwern.