Mr Peter Williams of Market Drayton, one of our circuit local preachers, led our morning’s worship last Sunday. For his call to worship Peter chose some words from St Paul’s letter to the Romans “That in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose”. With Rod Smith on the organ, we sang our opening hymn “Father of everlasting grace, thy goodness and thy truth we praise”, by Charles Wesley. After our prayers of praise and thanksgiving we had two bible readings. The first reading was from the book of Revelation, chapter one and consisted of greetings to the seven church in the province of Asia and contained a vision of Christ. The second reading was from Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 16, and described St Peter’s Declaration about Jesus where he states, “you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God”.
We prayed for others particularly those suffering in the war in Ukraine and for those suffering from excessively high temperatures in many parts of the world. We asked for God’s blessing on those in our own community who are finding it difficult at the present time.
‘Jesus is in control and is building his church’ was the theme for Peter’s sermon. The Book of Revelation contains strange imagery, so familiar to the early Christian church but full of mystery for our age and yet it has so much to teach us about Jesus Christ, and as we approach Revelations we see literature not known in these days. It is about the supremacy of Jesus Christ and his victory over death itself. There are three things contained in this book; the first it is an unmasking of Jesus, a look behind the curtain, a glimpse of the spiritual; second it is a testimony to Jesus with all the risks by so doing in the world at that time; and third, it is a letter to those who were suffering for their faith and an assurance that Jesus is in control. For he is the King, the Messiah and the Holy One. “So fear not” said Peter.