On a glorious spring morning Rev. Mark Lawrence led our Aldersgate Sunday worship with Neil & Jill Barnett providing our music. We began with a rousing hymn – Praise my soul, the King of Heaven. The theme of our service was private prayer and Mark led prayers of thanks and praise for the grace to be able to address God at any time. After prayers of intercession for several Christian agencies the reading was taken from Matthew 6, where Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray.
Rev. Mark addressed the purpose of prayer, an integral part of Christian life, in developing a personal relationship with God. We ask for forgiveness and a new way of living when we turn to Christ. There is something in everyone that leads them to pray in dire circumstances. Prayer is a great privilege. The Bible passage gives us practical advice on the way to pray – in private away from distractions. We must take time out to focus on God and speak to him honestly. It is OK to bring our angry feelings to him. He already knows our situation & our needs. He brings healing and peace when we follow this practice. We must persevere and trust in God’s way of answering our prayers in a way that is best for us.
Mark then served Holy Communion and ended our service with a blessing.