The Revd Paul Clapham led our morning’s worship last Sunday and after a shared prayer said by our steward Rosalind she warmly welcomed Paul and congratulated our church members Peter and Pauline Marson on the birth of another grandson, Sebastian. From The Book of Uncommon Prayers by Steven Case, Paul used as his call to worship the words “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, come into our hearts and minds. Lift us and bring us into your presence”. “From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same” was our lively opening hymn following which Paul read from Colossians describing the image of the invisible God which led to a reflection on the use of icons in various branches of the church.
Following our prayers of praise and thanksgiving, we had two bible readings, the first by Margaret Maxwell from Amos, chapter eight, and the second by Gerry Maxwell from Luke, chapter 10. The first was a prophesy from Amos that Israel with all its apparent wealth and security around 740 BC would fall and be overrun, as duly happened, and the second told of the resentment of Martha who was doing all the work when she and her sister entertained Jesus, as Mary sat down and listened to him. Interspersed between the two bible readings Paul led our thoughts on the hypocrisy of the Israelites at that time. He reminded us that it is important to know where we have come from. To be aware of our journey and to realise where we are going.
We read about Martha’s inviting Jesus to have supper with them and being the one who makes things happen, whilst Mary is a bit of a dreamer. Jesus, however, commends Mary, as she was living in the present and she was making the most of the occasion, she could peel the potatoes tomorrow when Jesus was not present. But the church needs its Marthas of this world. So the story of Martha and Mary is not either but both and perhaps we need to look at that in our lives.
We prayed for others and closed with the Blessing after a thoughtful and inspiring period of worship.