“From the Mayflower to Market Drayton” – a presentation by Carolyn Lawrence on 8th February 2022.Our minister’s wife, Carolyn Lawrence gave a power-point presentation to theRotary Club of Newcastle under Lyme at lunchtime on Tuesday, 8th February2022, which was well received by all the members. The club meets atNewcastle Golf Club and Carolyn was warmly welcomed by club President PaulWorrall, as were Carolyn’s husband the Rev’d Mark Lawrence and our churchmember, Keith Harrison, as guests of Ron Lucas. Carolyn chose the title ofher illustrated talk “From the Mayflower to Market Drayton” as she began bydescribing the journey of her ancestor who sailed to the New World in the“Mayflower” in 1620. She spoke of her early childhood and teen years andhow she accepted Christ into her life, meeting up with Mark and their life’sjourney since they were married, raising their two daughters, studying forher degree at Portsmouth University, teaching, and subsequently being chosento serve the Methodist Church as Vice- President of the Methodist Conferencein Britain 2020-21. After serving with Mark in Methodist Circuits as variedas the Isle of Wight, Lincoln, and Devon, she and Mark were called to servein our Market Drayton Circuit, from 1 September 2021. More recently,Carolyn has been appointed as the Market Drayton Centre Manager of thecharity CAP – Christians Against Poverty and she described her new role insome detail as CAP seeks to assist those who find themselves in debt, oftenthrough no faulty of their own. It was an engrossing presentation afterwhich her host, church and club member, Ron Lucas, gave a vote of thanks andthe club President, Paul, gave Carolyn a donation to CAP on behalf of theRotary club