“The Lord is with us” were our preacher’s opening words last Sunday. Rev. Helen Kirk’s prayers praised our Creator and expressed penitence for the times we forget his abiding presence. We asked for forgiveness for not always recognising God in every person. Neil and Jill Barnett provided accompaniment to our singing and read to us from John 2 – the wedding at Cana.

The miracle story illustrates four themes which run through John’s gospel. Jesus took ordinary water and transformed it into first class wine. He brings divine transformation into every situation no matter how ordinary. He turned an instrument of torture, the cross, into a symbol of grace and salvation. We should share how Jesus is transforming us. The amount of water transformed illustrates the abundance of God’s generosity and love. He supplies far more than we need. We need to reflect on what he has given our church and trust in his abundance in future. Jesus’ presence at the wedding made it a sacred place. We need to be aware that God is present in every person and situation. Jesus was part of the wedding community just as he is of ours. We should look for him beyond our church walls.

Prayers of intercession included concerns volunteered by the congregation and the service ended with sharing the Grace.