Bunty Hodgkins welcomed the District Enabler, Rev. David Willis, to lead our service last Sunday. His young family accompanied him. Our organist was Rod Smith. David began with a prayer that we might be open to God that morning. Jill Harrison read to us from Deuteronomy 29 – Moses’ address to the Israelites concerning God’s covenant as they were poised to enter the promised land. The children then left to learn about Noah’s ark.

David suggested the text prompted us to consider our position at the beginning of a new year and where God is right now. We are surrounded by uncertainty – politically at home and abroad, socially and in the direction of our churches. We seek assurance and peace of mind but quick fixes will not work. We must hold on to our vision of how the world should be. God never gives up. We must live out his values following Jesus’ example, confident that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

We sang “I need thee every hour” and David prayed for the world and our community, for strength to do God’s work. Then we repeated the Lord’s Prayer. David concluded our worship with a blessing.