Our service on the second Sunday in Advent began with lighting the second candle on our Advent wreath. Keith Harrison then welcomed Rev. Roger Baker to lead our worship with Rod Smith playing the organ. Jill Harrison read extracts from Malachi 3 &4, the refining preparation we require to be fit followers of God. Rod read from Luke 3 – John the Baptist prepares the way for the Messiah. Rev. Roger’s theme was waiting and preparation, the essence of Advent. Waiting is something we find very difficult in life yet we need to prepare to welcome Jesus at Christmas and on his second coming through repentance and choosing a better way of life.
This process involves judgment. The Israelites in Malachi’s time had grown to disregard God’s covenant and were keeping his goodness to themselves. Through God’s grace our breach is never irreparable. His love is complete. He will forgive those who ask for forgiveness and try to live a new way of life. We need God’s mercy and forgiveness. John the Baptist urges us to clean up our act, to share what we have, to be honest and content and to love our neighbours. Roger prayed for grace to see, repent, hope and repair, and to return God’s love.
We then celebrated Holy Communion and concluded our service with the hymn Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes.