Welcomed by Rosalind we joyfully celebrated the 90th birthday of our dear friend Ron Lucas. Our hymns were accompanied with panache by our pianist, Jonathan Baddeley. The theme of our preacher, Ian White, District Synod Secretary, was pilgrims together. He began with Psalm 71: Lord, you are my fortress and defence. In prayer we gave thanks for those who have gone before us in our church and asked for forgiveness for our transgressions. Rosalind read Psalm 121: my help comes from the Lord. Guy read from Matthew 4: Jesus resists temptation by Satan and then recruits his disciples.
Ian described for us a 34 mile pilgrimage he had recently undertaken from Hanley via Biddulph Moor to Englesea Brook pausing at various buildings, once prestigious but now disused – preserved without purpose. “A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place, which can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.” Worshippers here in Ashley are pilgrims. We must continue the work laid down by our predecessors. Above all we must keep going, keep faith in Jesus and support each other.
We prayed for friends and family, for the world desperate for peace, and for courage in adversity. Our service ended with a song of hope, You shall go out with joy, followed by the Grace.
Picture: Preacher Ian White with Ron ( celebrating his 90th Birthday), Richard ( Celebrating his 60th Birthday), Charles, Angus, Jacob, Joanna, Harriet and Jemima