Our service last Sunday celebrated the annual Harvest Festival and was led by the Rev’ Mark
Lawrence. Stewards Guy and Ros Chatburn warmly welcomed the congregation to this year’s
Harvest festival which was presented by our Junior Church comprising the younger members,
gently coached and guided by Pauline Marson. Young Penelope and six friends welcomed us by
each carrying a card reading out the individual letters of the word HARVEST. Then followed the
song “Who Put The Colours In The Rainbow”. Prayers and Poems by Penelope, George & Lucy.
We then had the song “If you’re Happy and you know It” introduced by Olivia followed by the
hymn “Shine Jesus Shine” introduced by Henry. The congregation then sang the hymn “For The
Beauty Of The Earth”. Prayers of intercession were given by Carolyn Lawrence. Our Bible Reading
came from St Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians chapter 9:6-11 wherein he reminds us that to
sow generously is to reap generously. Mark’s brief talk had the children thrilled to cut open an
apple and retrieve the seeds from therein. 8 seeds were found. Mark held up one tiny seed up and
asked the question “how many apples might there be in this one seed”? There followed the hymn
“We Plough The Fields and Scatter the Good Seed On The Ground” The final Blessing then ended
our Service.