For Father’s Day last Sunday, our preacher was Mr Peter Williams who chose as his theme “Look to Jesus and Live”. Peter was welcomed by Bunty Hodgkins and Rod Smith played the organ. As a call to worship the congregation and preacher read alternate verses of Psalm 96 a magnificent Psalm of Praise and Thanksgiving. We sang “Father of Everlasting Grace, Thy Goodness and Thy Truth we praise“, the great hymn of many by Charles Wesley.
Peter spoke to the children of Junior Church about Father’s Day recounting some wonderful experiences growing up with his dad which he has tried to replicate with his own children. He referred to Psalm 68 which describes God being father to those who are fatherless. There followed two bible readings the first from Numbers 21, read by Norma Buckley which told of the tribulations of the Israelites during their escape from Egypt causing them to complain to their leader Moses; and the second from John 3, read by Rod Smith. This interesting reading recounted the interplay between Jesus and Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, a Jewish leader. In this Jesus explained to Nicodemus that to enter the Kingdom of God, one must be born again and here Jesus referred to Moses lifting up a bronze snake on a pole in the desert a thousand years previously as told in the Numbers scripture.
After our prayers for others particularly for our national life with forthcoming elections in many parts of the world, Peter preached on his theme – “Look to Jesus and live”. He recounted the experience of the Israelites being led out of captivity in Egypt, by their leader, Moses, and the trials and tribulations they had to endure in the desert. When they were hungry God gave them manna from heaven, when they were thirsty water to drink but in spite of this many had wished to remain in Egypt. Linking this with the passage from John, Jesus said “Everyone who believes shall have eternal life”. Peter went on to speak about justice for sin and the limitation of the Israelites’ understanding of God’s will for them but there was no limit to the number of Israelites who could be saved and similarly there is no limit on those who could be saved today. The sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross is for us all. Peter preached a challenging sermon which was a help to many of our congregation.