Christmas Day Service

Our Christmas Day service will be led by Rev. Paul Clapham at 10.30am. It will look a little different to our usual Christmas Day services but we look forward to sharing in worship together. The service will last approximately 45 minutes. Please arrive promptly. The screens will be pushed back and our chairs well-spaced to allow for social distancing and increased airflow, but even with these measures we are more limited in our capacity. To make sure that we can accommodate as many people as possible on Christmas morning we are asking you to book a ‘ticket’ in advance so that we may adjust the seating to accommodate. This also allows us to collect contact details for Track and Trace which we are required to do.

We require you to book a ticket for everyone attending that will be needing a seat (including children), using the ‘Add additional ticket’ option after inputting your own details. The booking form will be available until midday on 22nd December. If you need to add a person to your booking after you have already submitted your booking, please use the form again with their details, but make a note that they will be a part of your booking.

Although Ashley is currently in Tier 3, you will be able to attend this service, and sit with members of your ‘Christmas bubble’. Please indicate if this is the case in the notes section so that we may put extra seats together within the church for your group.


Please note that you are expected to wear a mask during the service unless you are exempt.

Please do not attend the service if you have any symptoms attributed to Covid-19, have been advised to self isolate or have returned from a country that requires you to quarantine within the last 14 days.

If after booking, you find yourself unable to attend the service, please use the link in the confirmation email to cancel or ammend your booking, or email to let us know so that we may release that seat for someone else.

To book

Follow the link directly below to access the booking form. If you have any problems making your booking please contact us by emailing

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